Bullying-Make it STOP…

I saw a post on Facebook about bullying, this morning, which got me thinking about things. It seems that a lot of us experienced some bullying in some shape or form. Whether it was spreading rumors, leading to the ostracization of someone, verbal bullying, or even physical bullying. Personally, I experienced the latter two. But I just had a memory of someone who experienced it, as well. Jerry Bomar, who is dead, now. He and I were riding in his truck, one evening. He told me he had heard about this party and wanted to go to it. I said “Sure, I don’t care.”

So, we rode over to where the party was (a person’s house, who shall remain nameless, as I don’t care to stir anything or have to talk to them). We pulled up and everyone was out in the yard, doing whatever. Well, the girl that lived there was outside with her boyfriend. Bomar said “What’s up?” to the boyfriend. I forgot what he said, but it was something to the idea of “What are you doing here, fat boy?” Well, Bomar thought he was kidding around and didn’t say anything. Well, the guy thumped his burning cigarette on the hood of Bomar’s truck. Bomar asked him what his problem was. Well, the guy pulled off his boot and started walking up to us, threatening to beat the hell out of him, with his boot.

Everyone behind him thought it was just the funniest thing. Yeah, torment the fat guy. That’s real hilarious. The poor guy thought these assholes were his friends. I told him to “Just go, dude.” We left and I could tell he was kind of humiliated. I was humiliated, for him.

I completely understand why kids break down and go on shooting sprees. And, even worse, some take their own lives. And for what? Worthless assholes that have nothing better going on than to torment others for whatever reason they might be “different?”

The biggest down-side to this is the only solution is to knock the shit out of the bully. That’s all they understand. And even that may not work.

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